
Listen blog and highlight

Enable users to listen to your blog content with automatic highlighting of the text as it is spoken. Enhance accessibility and engagement on your website with this easy-to-use tool.

ReadAloud - text to speech


  • Allows users to listen to your blog content instead of reading it.
  • Highlights the spoken words in real-time, so users can follow along with ease.
  • Lets users pause and resume the speech playback at any time.
  • Auto scroll on listen paragraph/heading.
  • Provides a more engaging user experience for your audience.
  • Helps you meet accessibility standards by providing a user-friendly tool for people with visual impairments or reading difficulties.
  • Compatible with all major WordPress themes and plugins.
  • Easy installation and activation
  • Prominent speech button to your website that lets users listen to your blog content.
  • Offers a seamless and user-friendly interface.
  • Customizable button and highlight color options

Admin Settings

  • Admin can customize listen button color and highlighted text color
  • Admin can enable this functionality on custom post types
  • Admin can enable/disable floating listen button
  • Admin can set floating button position
  • Admin can render stylist button in blog using `shortcode` with multiple style

Do you have any question?

Please feel free to contact us at

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